
At Accounting Agents, we offer a comprehensive list of accounting and bookkeeping services. Our personalised service puts the client first and focuses on people’s unique needs. Whether you are a medium sized business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur with a new business idea, we can help keep you remain compliant with HMRC, so you can focus on your business.

It all begins with an idea.

We ensure you can focus on your ideas whilst remaining compliant with HMRC rules and regulations.

Services we provide

  • Conformation statements

  • IFRS Compliance

  • Statutory accounts

  • Personal tax returns

  • Corporation tax returns

  • IR35 complaince

  • Bookkeeping

  • VAT

  • Payroll

    • RTI and PAYE submissions

    • Auto enrolment

    • Pensions


Tax Services

We ensure you are complaint with HMRC and pay your fair share of tax and nothing more.

  • Making Tax Digital(MTD)

  • Inheritance tax

  • Income tax

  • Corporation tax

  • Property tax

  • Capital allowances

  • Partnership tax

  • Capital gains tax

  • Business tax compliance